Raise your Series A round faster

With Flowlie expert support & coaching.


What can Flowlie do for you?

Flowlie combines software with expert advice to help founders seeking Series A funding craft effective strategies & execute their fundraises using best practices, without taking their focus away from operations.

We leverage a proprietary data set ($1.5B+ in fundraises tracked) and third party sources to create a data-driven fundraising strategy that enables founders to effectively navigate the complex fundraising environment and achieve their desired terms.

Series A’s are more competitive and time consuming than ever. Flowlie helps founders execute them the right way, saving time, resources, and equity. The ideal time to get started is 9-12 months prior.

Example of a financial round on Flowlie.

Why Flowlie?

  1. Strategic guidance from founders who have been on the other side of the table, rooted in data
  2. Founders get to focus on operations while we prepare the strategy and get additional leverage during the fundraise to generate momentum and buzz
  3. Long term approach - brokers are incentivized to close rounds at any cost. Flowlie creates a bespoke strategy to target the right investors for your growth profile, enabling founders to realize their long-term visions
  4. Objectivity when it comes to terms, investor negotiations, etc
  5. Flexible monthly engagements so you can continuously assess the value
  6. No success fees, which range from $150k - $500k for a $10M raise

You get:

  1. ~15 hours/month spent on deliverables. We take dozens of hours of work off of founders’ plates by automating time consuming tasks such as investor research and warm intro mapping.
  2. Weekly or biweekly strategy calls based on founder preference and need (weekly is recommended but not always necessary for the first 1-2 months)
  3. License to Flowlie Premium SaaS platform
  4. 1 hour white glove onboarding call


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